Results, Apps, Displays & Boards
Eagle Eye Integrations
Meet Management Software
Eagle Eye seamlessly integrates with all common third party meet management software:
Roster Athletics, Meet Pro, Hy-Tek Meet Manager, Mile Split, Athletic.Net, Race Tab, Easy Meet, RaceberryJam, Eagle Eye's Excel Template
Mobile Apps
Eagle Eye seamlessly integrates Live Results with the most popular mobile applications.
- Roster Athletics
- Mile Split
- Athletic Live
- Timer HUB
Portable Displays
Give your spectators, coaches and athletes immediate feedback: running time, ranked results, performances, name, school, etc.- in real-time.
- Finished Results Displays
- GILL Portable LED Display
Stadium Boards
Send your data to any video board or monitor (Daktronics, Fair Play, etc.) with great looking professional formatting.
- Display Works
- Mile Split
- Athletic Live
- Hy-Tek Meet Manager

Mobile Apps
Live Results
Eagle Eye timing software integrates several options to display live results during competition. Additional information and associated fees can be found on the company's website.

Portable Displays
Portable Displays
Give your spectators, coaches and athletes immediate feedback: running time, ranked results, performances, name, school, etc.- in real-time.